Parents and Students:
Happy New Year! I hope you have had a wonderful time with family and friends, and you are refreshed and ready for the new semester.
1. A quick reminder: we will start back on Tuesday, Jan 9th. With the delayed start, payment will be due Jan 14th.
2. If you would like to put your credit card on file, we can set it up in a phone call. The feature is a double blind entry, so no one will see your credit card info after set up. We can process your payment each month for the exact amount due (unlike the recurring charge option). Call or email us for more information.
3. Please remember to pay your invoices by the due date. Tracking down payments takes up a lot of time, leaving us less time to prep and do admin tasks. Late fees help pay for some of this time, but they don’t cover all of it. Please do your part to keep things running smoothly.
4. We will be closed for Martin Luther King Jr Day, Jan 15. I realize that this is two Mondays in a row that kids will miss. Please let us know if you want to add a session later in the week.
With a new semester, the grade book resets, and there is fresh opportunity to set new goals. We are to help you every step of the way.
Christie and Team